freelance director/associate director-lazarus theatre company
TRAGEDY OF MARIAM by Elizabeth Cary
12th - 17th October 2013, The Tristan Bates Theatre.
The king is dead; the Queen must face her people. As the truth about King Herod's passing unravels, Mariam must face those who promise persecution, recrimination and damnation. A woman's pride, strength and voice is central to this ensemble production.
Written in 1604, The Tragedy of Mariam is the first play to have been written by a woman. This sexual, erotic and powerful piece shall be presented in the award winning Lazarus stule of text, movement and music.

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander

Tragedy of Mariam Lazarus Theatre Company Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 12th – 17th August 2013 Photograph taken by Scott Rylander
Herod – Stephen MacNeice
Mariam – Celine Abrahams
Doris – Melisa Ramadan
Salome – Paula James
Alexandra – Susannah Halley
Graphina – Kerrian Burton
Ananell – Esme Lowe
Sohema – Rosanna Lambe
Nuntio – Emily-Rose Hurdiss
Chorus – Tara Cowley
Adapted and Directed by Gavin Harrington-Odedra
Original Music Composed by The Company
Lighting Design by Rachel Smith
Assistant Director – Sara Reimers
Stage Manager – Stephanie Bell
Production Graphic Designer – Will Beeston